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RNI Certification

Sat, Jul 22 2023

Naman Varshney

RNI Registration /RNI Certificate - Process ,Documents ,Benefits

What Is RNI Registration ?

RNI (Registrar of Newspapers for India) is the authority responsible for newspaper registration in India. RNI is a government agency under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, and its main function is to oversee the registration of newspapers and ensure compliance with the relevant laws and guidelines.

Documents Required for RNI Registration -

1.Application Form: A duly filled and signed application form provided by RNI, containing all necessary details about the newspaper, its ownership, publication frequency, language, etc.

2. Affidavit: An affidavit on stamp paper attesting to the newspaper's title, ownership, and non-existence of any other newspaper with the same or similar title.

3. Notarized Declaration: A notarized declaration by the publisher affirming that the newspaper complies with all the provisions of the Press and Registration of Books (PRB) Act, 1867.

4. Publisher's Proof: A copy of the publisher's proof, which could be a voter ID card, passport, or any other government-issued identity proof.

5. Proof of Publication: Copies of the newspaper's published issues, typically covering at least 42 days of publication, to demonstrate its regularity.

6. Certificate from Press Council of India (For dailies only): In the case of daily newspapers, a certificate from the Press Council of India indicating that the newspaper has complied with the guidelines issued by PCI.

Process of RNI Registration

To register a newspaper with RNI in India, the publisher needs to follow these steps:

1. Title Verification: The first step is to verify that the desired newspaper title is available and hasn't been registered by someone else. The publisher can apply for title verification to RNI.

2. Application Submission: Once the title is verified, the publisher needs to submit the application for registration to the appropriate regional RNI office. The application should contain all the necessary details and documents as required by RNI.

3. Publishing Details: The newspaper must be published regularly and meet the minimum publishing requirements set by RNI. This typically includes publishing the newspaper at regular intervals (daily, weekly, etc.) and in a specific language.

4. Legal Formalities: The publisher must comply with all legal formalities and requirements specified by RNI for registration.

5. Verification and Approval: RNI will review the application and the submitted documents to ensure that all requirements are met. If everything is found to be in order, RNI will issue a registration certificate for the newspaper.

RNI Registration in India

Benefit of RNI Registration

  • Legal Recognition: RNI registration provides legal recognition to the newspaper, giving it an official status as a legitimate publication. This recognition can help build trust among readers, advertisers, and other stakeholders.
  • Copyright Protection: RNI registration can serve as evidence of the newspaper's existence, publication date, and ownership, which can be helpful in establishing copyright claims and protecting intellectual property rights.
  • Access to Government Benefits: Registered newspapers may be eligible for various government schemes, subsidies, and benefits that are available to the media industry.
  • Advertising Opportunities: Many government departments and agencies, as well as private advertisers, prefer to place advertisements in registered newspapers. RNI registration can open up more advertising opportunities, which can generate additional revenue for the publication.
  • Distribution and Circulation: RNI registration is often required for newspapers to be distributed and circulated through official channels. It can facilitate wider distribution and help the newspaper reach a larger audience.
  • Credibility and Accountability: RNI registration signifies that the newspaper adheres to certain standards and guidelines set by the regulatory authority. This can enhance the publication's credibility and accountability in the eyes of the readers and the public.
  • Official Data Source: RNI maintains a database of registered newspapers, and this information can be used by researchers, scholars, and other media professionals for reference and data gathering.
  • Legal Protection: RNI registration can offer legal protection to the newspaper against unauthorized duplication or imitation by other publications.

Post Compliance of RNI Registration

These responsibilities aim to ensure that the newspaper continues to operate within the legal framework and maintains its registration status.Post-compliance aspects include:

  • Regular Publication: The newspaper must continue to be published regularly and adhere to the declared publication frequency and schedule provided during the registration process. Failure to meet the publication requirements may result in the cancellation of the registration.
  • Annual Statements: The publisher is required to submit annual statements to the RNI, indicating the newspaper's circulation figures and other relevant data. These statements are usually submitted at the end of each financial year.
  • Updating Changes: If there are any changes in the ownership, editorial team, or other significant details of the newspaper, the publisher must promptly update the RNI with the relevant information.
  • Display of RNI Details: The newspaper is required to display its RNI registration details, such as the registration number and date, on the printed copies of the newspaper and its website (if applicable).
  • Complying with Laws and Guidelines: The newspaper must continue to comply with the provisions of the Press and Registration of Books (PRB) Act, 1867, and other relevant laws and guidelines governing the print media in India.
  • Adhering to Press Council Guidelines: If the newspaper is a daily publication, it must adhere to the guidelines issued by the Press Council of India (PCI) for newspapers' functioning and journalistic ethics.
  • Address Change Notification: In case of any change in the newspaper's principal place of publication or registered office, the RNI should be informed of the new address.
  • Subscription Details: The newspaper should maintain accurate records of its subscribers, and these details should be made available to the RNI when required.
  • Complying with Legal Notices: The newspaper should respond to any legal notices or communications received from the RNI promptly.

PSR Assistance In RNI Certification

The process of RNI Certification involves adhering to many requirements, preparing documents, and complying with pre-registration and post-Registration compliances. Moreover, complying with RNI department mandates is imperative to avoid incurring hefty penalties and late fees. This process can seem daunting and confusing without professional assistance. PSR Team provides expert service in the online registration process of RNI Registration .

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