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In India, obtaining an FSSAI license (food license) is mandatory to operate any food business. The food service license is valid for a period of 1 to 5 years. Once the validity period ends, it must be renewed to avoid penalties for non-renewal. Our Achievements:
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To be a Food Business Operator (FBO) in India, you must meet the laws provided by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). One of the important compliance aspects is the filing of the Annual FSSAI Food Business Return every year. This guide will help you through everything you need to know about the FSSAI annual return, its effect on business, and how to make sure that your business does not experience any temporary problems.
The FSSAI Food Business Annual return is a compulsory return for any organization which is operating under an FSSAI license in India. This annual return facilitates the supervision of the business of food production and distribution.
Information provided to the FSSAI by the food business includes confidential information, such as the manufacturing processes, the handling and storing of products and their ultimate distribution. This openness and accountability allow the FSSAI to control the food industry and deliver the most appropriate services.
There are several reasons why it is necessary to comply with the requirement to submit an FSSAI annual return.
The annual return to must be submitted by the following categories of Food Business Operators (FBO):
The FSSAI has released a notification in the interest of some businesses allowing them to ignore the filing of an annual return. Following are the exempted FBOs:
The Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011 demands that all licensed Manufacturers and Importers provide their FSSAI Annual Return within Form D1 on or before the 31st of May every year. This return should include accounts of activities done over the last Financial Year.
Compliance with the deadline for submission is imperative to avoid being penalized if the FSSAI Food Business Annual Return is not completed on or before 31st May. There are late payment fees of Rs 100 per day for each day or up to a maximum of five times the annual license fees.
The Food Business Operator (FBO) has to provide the following details when filling FSSAI Annual Return.
The Packaging cost, Insurance, and freight (C. I. F.) free to onboard unit cost rate per kilogram per unit.
In 2020, the FSSAI issued a notice requiring the annual returns of food businesses that manufacture and import food products other than drugs through an online platform effective the 2020-2021 financial year. This move towards technology helps in easy filing procedures and improves accountability.
If you are facing problems in submitting your FSSAI Food Business Annual Return online, do not worry as PSR Compliance is here to help you out. Our professionals can take you through the whole process and ensure that the return is filled out accurately and submitted on time.
At PSR Compliance, we appreciate that Food Business Operators (FBOs) have to file FSSAI Annual Returns on time and in the right way. Here is how we can assist you in the Annual Return filing process:
With PSR Compliance on your side managing an FSSAI Annual Return becomes easy. You can rest assured that everything will be completed on time and correctly.
Get in touch with us to learn about the FSSAI Annual Return filing services we offer and the ways we can assist you in improving your compliance processes.
A complete FSSAI annual return should be filed by every individual or body involved in any food business operations covered under any FSSAI license including manufacturers, importers, labellers and packers.
The FSSAI annual returns shall be submitted on or before the 31st day of May every year for the previous year's ending financial activities.
Of course, there are penalties for late annual returns, ten times the annual fee per late month with a maximum penalty of five times the annual fee.
Certain restaurants, canteens, food courts, and general stores are exempted from filing the return due to FSSAI notifications.
No, it is termed highly unacceptable to make one annual return for an FSSAI license. Each FSSAI license holder is required to file an FSSAI annual return for each license.
Admittedly, it is ideal to submit the return on or before the due date; however, submission of the retune may still be allowed within a reasonable period post the deadline subject to applicable fines.
Information such as product details, container size and quantity, selling price, and imported quantity among others is needed. For the complete list please, refer to FSSAI guidelines.
You can file it yourself, however, experts like PSR Compliance can assist in filing the returns and help you adhere to FSSAI requirements.
Depending on the category and size of the food business, FSSAI may also impose minimal Annual Return filing fees.
Once filed, one cannot amend annual return filings thus; all checks should be done prior to the filing. Our Experts will assist you in the process of filing and ensure there are no mistakes made.